
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why Do Caps Have Tassels Graduation?

Gradshop-Tassels graduation

Graduation does not occur everyday in a student’s life. A graduation regalia tops off the crowning image of this special event, and while most people know that there are rules when it comes to wearing graduation caps and gowns, many still do not know the importance and how these items work in the ceremony.
After having received their diplomas, students wait for the academic president of the university to finally announce that they have graduated. Having said so, students will then traditionally get to move graduation tassel left to right of their caps. This is the exact reason why caps have tassels graduation.

When attaching the tassel to the mortarboard of the cap, remove the protective sleeve of the tassel first and hold it up to check for any tangled strands.Tassels for graduation caps are fastened at the center of the mortarboard. They come in different colors to represent the field in which the wearer obtained his or her education or degree. Colors such as gold, however are usually reserved for those graduating with Latin Honors.

Aside from the different colors which depend on the level of education one has completed, it is also common that graduation tassels have small hanging charm attached to it. It may denote the year of graduation or the university seal, although not all schools do this. Tassels with such decorations are more expensive compared to the plain ones.

The flipping of tassels graduation may be done right after everybody gets to receive his or her diploma or degree or right after walking off stage. Again, this would still mostly depend on the school’s traditions. Like the graduation gown and cap, the tassel also has its long and rich history as to why one still gets to wear them presently.  Each has its own symbolism, though there may be differences in how one perceives it by culture and country.

Depending on the school’s tradition, a graduate may be instructed to move the tassels graduation from left to right or from right to left (usually done by those receiving a master’s degree or doctorate degree) to signify that one has finally acquired an academic status and has graduated with a degree. However, for those graduating with multiple degrees in college, one is limited to wear only one single tassel.

Some schools, make their graduates keep their tassels as souvenirs while for those schools where the graduation regalia is only being rented or borrowed by the student, the tassel might have to be returned else they be sold separately. It is advised to read on ones university graduation guidelines before purchasing one in order to get the correct one.

Graduating from school is indeed an exciting event which a student looks forward to ever since he or she started out. It is important for one to know how a graduation ceremony is done and how the academic regalia is worn correctly. This includes knowing what each item symbolizes and why it plays a great role in the overall academic ceremony.

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