
Friday, March 8, 2013

Academic Regalia How To Wear Hood During Graduation

Gradshop-Academic Regalia How To Wear Hood

An academic hood is a symbol of hardwork and perseverance one has devoted to the field of study one has taken up in his or her university. The majestic colors of the hood must be properly displayed while being worn by the graduate.

Academic hoods vary not only in shape but also in size, outside color and inner colors. One must be able to distinguish which hood will one be wearing during graduation to avoid embarrassment. The length of the hood signifies how high the status of the recipient is. For instance, a graduate of doctorate degree may have a bigger hood compared to someone who will graduate with a masters degree. With these variation comes variety of ways on wearing them also.

It is of utmost importance to know ones academic regalia how to wear hood before one gets to purchase academic regalia. Following these simple tips will be helpful to those who do not know exactly know how to wear their graduation hoods:

1. Upon placing an academic regalia order, make sure that one has ordered the right academic hood. Inspect that the colors and the length of the hood is correct. It is best to purchase the academic regalia days before the graduation  ceremony to ensure one will be able to get the best stock available. This goes to those who are only planning to rent, too.

2. Prepare all the necessary clothes one has to wear a day before graduation. Iron them neatly and properly including the graduation gown and hood. Dress in proper graduation attire on the day of graduation; knee-length dress for ladies and button-down shirts paired with dress pants for men.

3. Traditionally, academic hoods are not worn until ones degree has been handed over and the academic authority gets to place the hood over the graduate during the ceremony. So upon coming to the venue, carry the hood draped over the left arm up to the ceremony staging area.

4. When it will be time to wear the hood, wait for some superiors or school heads to reach ones place. Hand over the hood to the adorner and face away from him or her and carefully remove the worn graduation cap.

5. The adorner will have to place the academic hood over the recipient placing  the velvet lining along the recipient’s shoulders. Button up the hood with the gown so that it would stay in place. If there are no buttons, secure the hood with safety pins.

Academic regalia how to wear hood is actually very easy. It is not that entirely complicated. Having mentioned those tips could actually help one out and avoid confusion for both adorner and recipient of the hood. The best thing to do is to check ones university’s guidelines for graduation for instructions about academic regalia how to wear hood. And of course, do a dress rehearsal at home so that when it would be time to wear the academic regalia, it would not result to an uncomfortable feeling and not able to wear them properly.

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