
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Candidates and Their Doctoral Tams

Gradshop-Doctoral Tams
Being able to receive a doctorate is actually from being easy, the whole process and the whole education is in its extreme since this is the highest degree that any academic institution will offer.  To acknowledge such success, the institution arranges for a graduation ceremony to take place at the end of the academic year. The candidates in their doctoral tams will be such an amazing and refreshing site for the whole academe to see and witness. Not all of those who have master’s degrees are destined to go through another set of years of doctoral education because this would actually span for a long time. The day of the ceremony will be an important event to the candidates and to the whole academic body alike.

To carry on the tradition, every person involved in the preparation should do their utmost and their best in adhering to the practices that have been established since the academic institution started. The main process and flow of the program may follow the traditional one and some adlibs will be placed accordingly by the school’s or the university’s standards. The candidates of the graduation will be the main stars of the show and that is why more emphasis and pressure will be placed unto them to make this ceremony just as perfect as it can be.

Along the doctoral tams, the candidates must be able to find the rest of their academic regalia from a supplier or a shop that they trust to have really good reputation for equally really good quality merchandise. The regalia are also parts of the huge traditional graduation ceremony; it is the one thing that every candidate must have and must be able to wear on the big day. The wearing of the well presently known academic regalia has originated as practice done by Oxford University more than a hundred years ago and since then it has been passed as an official academic custom throughout all the known academic institutions in the world.

The basic academic regalia is consisted by the academic dress which will be worn like a simple robe with the cord as its security, the academic hood which will vary in size relating to the degree that one will receive and the color relating to the college’s specifications; caps and gowns, the graduation tassel which will be attached to the cap. All of these should be present during the candidate’s fitting and should be worn on the day of the ceremony.

The importance of the doctoral regalia and the doctoral tams should be emphasized because of its major role during the ceremony. If the candidate is off to look for his or her own regalia, one must bear in mind that he or she can have to options—either to buy it or rent it. Buying it would actually cost so much more than renting and renting is deemed as more practical than purchasing. However, some may opt to buy one for sentimental reasons. Lastly, every candidate must consider the regalia’s quality; one must be and must look his or her best on this momentous day.


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