
Friday, July 5, 2013

10 Things You Should Do Before Your College Graduation

Gradshop - College Graduation Invites

Days before your college graduation, you will most likely feel two dominant emotions that are fighting with each other. One will be the feeling that you can’t get over this busy time soon enough, and the other will be wishing for that special day to last forever. To help you through this very confusing time, we have created a list of ten things you should consider doing before your graduation. Not only will they help you get a more enriching experience, they may also cheer you up at finally accomplishing what you have always wanted to do.

1. Talk to that person you have always admired. Or at the very least, smile and wave. You’ll be glad you did so before your college graduation comes and you might never get to see that person again. And you never know, he or she may come over and talk to you, and you may find yourself earning a new friend or more!

2. Seek out your most favorite college professors, and tell them that you have always found them inspiring and that you are proud to have studied under them. Trust us; your professors will really appreciate it. However, it may be best to do this after your final examinations are over so that they won’t think you are sucking up to them for better grades.

3. Send out the most creative college graduation invites you can think of! Whether they come in the form of letters, cards, or digital art sent through email, be as wacky and original as you can. Not only will they be appreciated by your loved ones, they may also help convince them to give you a really great graduation present!

4. Take two old shirts and get your college buddies to sign one and your college professors to sign the other. These will prove as precious and special as your diploma in the future.

5. Make sure you have the complete set of academic regalia at least two days before your college graduation day. Your cap, robe, and hood should fit perfectly, be immaculate, and be free of wrinkles and other flaws.

6. Return all your library books. As much as you want to keep the ones you really love, remember that there are students who need them far more than you do.

7. Sit in on a class for fun. If your university is quite strict regarding attendance, talk to the professor in charge of the class first. He or she will most likely appreciate your interest and won’t mind you sitting in and learning something new for the day.

8. Join a club you have always wanted to, even if it’s just for one meeting. It could be glee club, the debate team, Red Cross volunteers, the photography club, etc. You might end up pursuing a new passion and meeting new friends.

9. Take a picture of you in your complete academic regalia in a professional studio. You can also have a friend who’s handy with a camera take your photos instead. If your college graduation attire isn’t ready, try GradShop for garments that look closest to what you will be wearing on that special day.

10. Above all, just have fun! Your college graduation will be one of the most memorable times in your life, so enjoy yourself!

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